By Torbjørn Z. Bergen July 3, 2022
Let's face it. Bedrooms are a big deal. Why? Because it's where we spend almost half of our day, everyday. And that's precisely why Lisa and I tie the bedroom with one paramount adjective: comfort . We believe the bedroom should be our sanctuary, the ultimate place of coziness, and it doesn't matter if we live alone, with a partner, or with a child. We've been meaning to dedicate a post to bedroom coziness for the longest time, and we're excited to have finally come around to it. We want you to dive deep with us into the things that inspire us to take our bedroom comfort to the next level. The sources are numerous and varied, and we tap both into the high end stuff as well as items one can find at a thrift store. We hope you enjoy the ride!
By Torbjørn Z. Bergen February 10, 2022
Let's face it. Bedrooms are a big deal. Why? Because it's where we spend almost half of our day, everyday. And that's precisely why Lisa and I tie the bedroom with one paramount adjective: comfort . We believe the bedroom should be our sanctuary, the ultimate place of coziness, and it doesn't matter if we live alone, with a partner, or with a child. We've been meaning to dedicate a post to bedroom coziness for the longest time, and we're excited to have finally come around to it. We want you to dive deep with us into the things that inspire us to take our bedroom comfort to the next level. The sources are numerous and varied, and we tap both into the high end stuff as well as items one can find at a thrift store. We hope you enjoy the ride!
By Torbjørn Z. Bergen February 10, 2022
Let's face it. Bedrooms are a big deal. Why? Because it's where we spend almost half of our day, everyday. And that's precisely why Lisa and I tie the bedroom with one paramount adjective: comfort . We believe the bedroom should be our sanctuary, the ultimate place of coziness, and it doesn't matter if we live alone, with a partner, or with a child. We've been meaning to dedicate a post to bedroom coziness for the longest time, and we're excited to have finally come around to it. We want you to dive deep with us into the things that inspire us to take our bedroom comfort to the next level. The sources are numerous and varied, and we tap both into the high end stuff as well as items one can find at a thrift store. We hope you enjoy the ride!




Opplev verdensrommet i Nord-Europas største astronomiske anlegg.

Solobservatoriet åpner igjen i 2025!

I 2021 stengte vi dørene for å prioritere arbeid med videreutvikling og omorganisering, slik at Solobservatoriet kan leve i lang tid fremover som ditt favorittsted å oppleve verdensrommet.

Dato for gjenåpning er ikke satt, men nå ser vi at vi det blir i løpet av 2025.

Om du ønsker beskjed når dette skjer, meld deg på vårt nyhetsbrev her.

Kontakt oss

Telefon: (+47) 457 28 816


Nattehimmelen 2025

Solobservatoriet gir ut ny bok sammen med Norsk Astronomisk Selskap

I Nattehimmelen 2025 – en stjernekikkers guide til planetene, stjernene, galaksene og universet finner du utfyllende informasjon og tips til hva du kan observere på nattehimmelen måned for måned i 2025 ved hjelp av blant annet:

  • stjerne- og planetkart
  • teleskop- og observasjonstips
  • almanakk med månefaser og opp- og nedgangstid for Sola og Månen
  • oversikt over formørkelser, meteorsvermer og andre astronomiske begivenheter
  • tabeller over interessante himmellegemer

Kjøp boken hos

Nåva Space

Utviklings og forskningsmiljøet ved Solobservatoriet etablerer, i samarbeid med romteknologiselskapet Nåva Space, og blir en del av ny og spennende satsing på fremtidens utforskning av verdensrommet. 

Les mer om Nåva Space

Nye Solobservatoriet

Snøhetta arkitektfirma har tegnet de planene for oss, og sånn vil det store planetariebygget og besøkssenteret se ut.

Kontakt Solobservatoriet

Telefon: (+47) 457 28 816


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